
How To Remove Friends On Facebook

Y'all dearest hearing from your friends on Facebook, only some of your nearest and dearest just get nether your pare. Certain, the social network is great for helping you lot stay continued with your friends, family unit members and other users yous don't meet in person on a regular ground, but sometimes, some friends on your list just mail service also often. Whether you're tired of the endless parade of true cat videos, political rants filled with misinformation or purposefully inflammatory rhetoric, or yous merely don't see a reason in staying connected with someone online, it might be fourth dimension to remove them from your friends listing.

How To Unfriend Someone Without Them Knowing

Of course, you don't desire to hurt their feelings, whether they're distant relatives or long-time family friends. That raises some important questions: will the person y'all're removing know you've unfriended them from Facebook? Is there a way to keep their posts off their feed without unfriending them to brainstorm with. Let'due south take a look at the answers to these questions and more in this Facebook guide.

Can You Unfriend Someone Without Them Knowing?

Facebook doesn't notify anyone when they've been unfriended, so generally speaking, everyone y'all unfriend won't know you've removed them from your friends list. That is, of class, until your friend searches your name on their platform, only to find you've unfriended them. Whether the person you unfriended is wondering where your posts went, or they're trying to wish you a happy birthday, there's a good chance the person you're removing from your online life will eventually observe they've been unfriended.

How to Unfriend Someone on Facebook

If you determine that you want to take the take chances and boot your toxic friends from your list, you can manage it in three easy steps.

  1. Visit the contour of the friend you want to remove from your account.
  2. Click on the push that reads "Friends" toward the bottom of their banner photo.
  3. Select Unfriend.

Consider Making Acquaintances

Facebook provides some more nuanced options than only friending and unfriending people. If you don't desire to pass up this person outright, only you're tired of seeing their posts every fourth dimension you visit the site, add them to your associate list. Facebook limits the number of posts it shows from your acquaintance list, then while you won't remove this person from your Facebook account or your feed, you lot'll still exist able to view some of their updates on occasion.

To add together someone to your acquaintances list.

  1. Visit their page.
  2. Click on the button that reads "Friends" toward the lesser of their banner photo.
  3. Select Edit Friend List.
  4. Select Acquaintances.

Unfollow to Secretly "Unfriend"

In that location is a center ground pick between completely deleting someone from your friends listing entirely and keeping them around to continue viewing their posts. Facebook gives users the option to unfollow users from their pages, which makes it like shooting fish in a barrel to keep someone on your profile'southward friends list while never having to read their posts again. Perfect for estranged family members, ex-roommates, or quondam bosses, using the unfollow selection keeps your feed tailored to exactly how y'all want it while also making sure you don't have to remove users you may need to contact months or years down the road.

Hither's how to unfollow someone on Facebook.

  1. Visit the user'southward page.
  2. Click on the button that reads "Friends" toward the lesser of their banner photo.
  3. Select Unfollow.

Subsequently that, you'll encounter their posts disappear from your news feed. You can always return to their profile if yous want to grab up on what's going on.

Restrict Someone to Limit Their Admission

Finally, depending on the person you're trying to remove from your business relationship, y'all may choose to use your account preferences on Facebook to purposefully limit how they contact you. By restricting their access to your account, you can arrive easy to hide your posts from them, in gild to stop them from commenting on the things yous postal service on Facebook.

Here's how to restrict a friend'southward access to your account on Facebook.

  1. Visit their page.
  2. Click on the push button that reads "Friends" toward the bottom of their banner photograph.
  3. Select Edit Friend Listing.
  4. Select Restricted at the lesser of your available lists.

Restricted friends can only see posts that you lot've made public or sometimes posts that you've specifically shared with mutual friends. They tin't come across private or friends simply posts, which means they won't exist able to invade your comments with their own thoughts and opinions.


It's ever awkward when you have to cut ties with someone through social media. Only remember that Facebook understands and has many methods bachelor for tailoring your feed, making it easy to customize your experience in the time to come. And so next fourth dimension you lot experience you need to delete someone from your account, proceed in mind that Facebook is customizable and modular, keeping your account safe from cloying family members and troublesome former employees.


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